
I work with organisations and partnerships to develop and improve strategic and operational responses to violence against women and girls, including safeguarding, to improve responses to survivors through increasing trauma informed approaches, and support practitioners to respond appropriately and safely within a trauma informed organisational culture.


My work is based on the Coordinated Community Response Model: a holistic approach to responses to violence against women and girls identifying the roles and responsibilities of all organisations – and communities – in partnership responses.

  • review and redevelop partnership structures and strategies
  • consultations with organisations and service users (including establishing local care pathways)
  • research with survivors
  • provide expertise on the nature of violence against women and girls, and what makes an effective response, informed by national and international research
  • develop and deliver bespoke training, supported where necessary with the development of policies and procedures
  • review service design, delivery and outcomes to support commissioning
  • As a former independent chair, work with areas to ensure they are prepared for any future Domestic Homicide Reviews (e.g. training, understanding the Review process) and/or evaluate progress since previous Review(s), with reference to national context and research.

Please contact me to find out more about what I can offer your organisation / partnership.


Safeguarding Adults Reviews & Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews

  • Work with the review team to establish the scope of the review, and the process for completion
  • Chair review meetings and/or lead practitioner & manager workshops
  • Meet with the family of the individual subject to review
  • Analyse individual management reviews and other information provided to the review, including relevant research
  • Write final reports and executive summaries

Examples of published reviews:

Safeguarding Adults Review, Sonia, a 60 year old woman with care and support needs who was being cared for by her brother and professionals, may have had a learning disability and had been house-bound for some years.

Domestic Homicide Review, Donna (DHR7 DW), a middle-aged woman who was killed by her partner who had abused her over a period of years; this abuse, in addition to other repeated traumas, had led to Donna’s mental health issues and problematic alcohol use, and contact with multiple agencies that struggled to support her appropriately.

Please contact me if you would like to know more about how I can work with you to deliver reviews.


Violence Against Women and Girls Consultancy